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  Computer & Software   Counseling   Electronic   Clothing   Construction & Real Estate   Chemicals   Machinery 3
  Turkey 141
  United States 4
  India 3
  Mexico 2
  United Arab Emirates 1
  Senegal 1
  Germany 1
  Ghana 1
State or Region
Companies that buy or sell one of the products or services below (Please insert space between words).
Tags (Please put commas between words)
Number of Employees
Total Annual Revenue
    Arts & Crafts 1
    Business Supplies & Equipment 1
    Chemicals 1
    Computer & Network Security 2
    Computer Hardware 1
    Computer Software 15
    Construction 4
    Consumer Goods 3
    Cosmetics 1
    Education Management 1
    Electrical & Electronic Manufacturing 3
    Food Production 3
    Furniture 2
    Glass, Ceramics & Concrete 1
    Health, Wellness & Fitness 3
    Hospitality 1
    Information Services 2
    Information Technology & Services 2
    Internet 2
    Law Practice 1
    Legal Services 1
    Machinery 12
    Management Consulting 2
    Marketing & Advertising 1
    Media Production 1
    Writing & Editing 1
    Translation & Localization 1
    Think Tanks 1
    Textiles 10
    Retail 1
    Publishing 1
    Plastics 1
    Energy & Oil 1
    HACCCP 1
    ISO22000 2
    ISO9001 7
    Other 2
Specializations (Please put a comma between the words)
Trade Show
Main Markets
    Central America 1
    Domestic Market 2
    Domestic Market 1
    Eastern Asia 1
    Mid East 1
    North America 1
    Northern Europe 1
    South Africa 1
    South America 1
    South Asia 2
    Southeast Asia 1
    Southern Europe 1
    Western Europe 2
Factory Size
Annual Output Value
Warehouse Size (m2,sq)
Factory Location
 Open Warehouse
 Closed Warehouse
 Cold Warehouse
 Food Warehouse
 Hazardous Material Warehouse
 Medicine and Pharmacy Warehouse
 Hanging Product Storage
 Fluid Product Storage
 Archive and Document Warehouse
 Home and Office Item Warehouse
 Machinery, Electronics and Other
 Traditional Warehouse
 High Density Warehouse
 Automated Warehouse
Custom Activities based on Location
 Transport (Road)
 Transport (Airline)
 Transport (Sea)
 Customs Activities
 Transportation and Tourism
 Export and Sales
 Transportation and Tourism
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