What can u do if your company becomes a member of Cobunet? |
With the wall you can post notifications about the recent developments, news, products and services in your company and inform other companies. |
You can exhibit your products. |
You can exhibit your services. |
You can share the contact information and present the field of activity of your company. |
You can present your reference projects and certificates, you can also share photos and videos about your company. |
You can share the fairs you attended, awards you received, your patents and brands. |
You can introduce your production capacity, the countries and cities in which you operate or have trade relations. |
You can exhibit your warehouses and share specific information about your warehouses. |
You can examine other companies and connect with them by adding their company to the your network. |
You can examine products of other companies and their services and ask for product or service prices. |
also |
By creating purchase offers, you can enable your suppliers to bid online through cobunet. |
You can manage your current agreement operations through Cobunet by sending current agreement and current reminder emails to your current caregivers. |
You can convert your purchase proposal operations to xml, excel format or integrate it with your own corporate business application with our web services. |
You can record your customers and suppliers using our CRM tools. |
You can manage your sales opportunities, sales proposals and orders, and plan events by creating events. |
You can track your service applications and create maintenance plans. |
You can inform your employees about the last minute developments and publish announcements by sharing the company with the broadcast stream. |
You can follow your bank, cash, credit card, invoice and delivery note transactions, and manage your checks and vouchers. |
You can follow up current accounts and manage your debts and receivables. |
You can record your expenses and make income-expense planning. |
You can manage your stocks and instantly follow up the products, raw materials and semi-products in your warehouses. |